Thursday, November 19, 2009



NOV. 30 - DEC. 4, 2009


For More Info contact
Timmy Edens
303-478-8068 Read more!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Went to the new TESLA Gallery in Boulder, Colorado to take my dad, who has been a mechanic my whole life, to drive a Tesla Roadster. This car goes 0-60 in 3.9 seconds and has a G-force gauge by the gear shift. I put my baby Season Estella and buckled her car seat in to the passenger seat, it fit great for all you new dads out there who are curious. I can't wait till the sedan comes out in 2011 it has Maserati styling written all over it. Read more!


For my thesis at University of Colorado Denver College of Arts & Media, BRANDING ARISONTIME is my focus. I am advocating that through the process of modern branding fundamentals a small local company can advance it's position to become a recognized global entity. Since the use of hot Irons burning marks into barrels during the 19th century branding has developed significantly. Intentional branding sets the foundation of how a company is perceived by consumers, employees, and the business industry. Branding Arisontime is the process of how a Denver based company using modern branding techniques can project itself to an international market market while keeping a cohesive strategy and identity. Read more!

36 Octocore RENDERFARM UCD CAM by Urz Truly

Hi all,

I'm a fulldome content producer and with that title comes a lot of computer and render farm technology. Tonight I spent from 8pm-9pm breaking my largest render farm record of 26 Apple Octo Cores to 36 Octo Cores in the Technology Building at the University of Colorado College of Arts and Media. My knowledge of how to do this type of business came from a Undergraduate Research Opportunities Grant I received from University of Colorado College of Arts and Media with Bryan Leister in 2007. Since the Grant I have become very savvy with the work flow of getting fulldome content from concept to rendering then processing it to show on the dome. I have to thank Dan Neafus Gates Planetarium Operations director for the support and creating a Planetarium Research position for me at Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Having one of the most advanced planetariums in the world place to test fulldome content on is definitely a privilege. This is a picture I took of the 36 clients of the renderfarm. Any questions contact Timmy Edens This is how I roll, haha... :) ARISONTIME INSPIRE.CREATE.IMMERSE 303-478-8068 Read more!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

BURNINGMAN 2009 )'( How to Experience Burningman From the Comfort of Your Own Home

So I have shown this to at least 50 People since i found it on the web.

Im not sure who wrote it but I've been to BURNINGMAN 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
and I crack up every time i show some one.

So Cheers to any one who isn't making it to BURNINGMAN 2009 the Playa this year.
I'll See you next year for BURNINGMAN 2010.

Here's how to enjoy the Burning Man Experience from the Comfort of your Own Home:
Pay an escort of your affectional preference subset to not bathe for five days, cover themselves in glitter, dust, and sunscreen, wear a skanky neon wig,dance close naked, then say they have a lover back home at the end of the night.

Tear down your house. Put it in a truck. Drive 10 hours in any direction. Put the house back together. Invite everyone you meet to come over and party. When everyone leaves, follow them back to their homes, drink all their booze, and break things.

Buy a new set of expensive camping gear. Break it. Stack all your fans in one corner of your living room.

Put on your most fabulous outfit. Turn the fans on full blast. Dump a vacuum cleaner bag in front of them.

Pitch your tent next to the wall of speakers in a crowded, noisy club. Go to sleep.

Lean back in a chair until that point where you're just about to fall over, but you catch yourself at the last moment. Hold that position for 9 hours.

Only use the toilet in a house that is at least 3 blocks away. Drain all the water from the toilet. Only flush it every 4 days. Hide all the toilet paper.

Visit a restaurant and pay them to let you alternate lying in the walk-in freezer and sitting in the oven.

Don't sleep for 5 days. Take a wide variety of hallucinogenic/emotion altering drugs. Pick a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Cut, burn, electrocute, bruise, and sunburn various parts of your body. Forget how you did it. Don't go to a doctor.

Buy a new pair of favorite shoes. Throw one shoe away.

Spend a whole year rummaging through thrift stores for the perfect, most outrageous costume. Forget to pack it.

Listen to music you hate for 168 hours straight, or until you think you are going to scream. Scream. Realize you'll love the music for the rest of your life.

Bust your ass for a "community." See all the attention get focused on the drama queen crybaby.

Get so drunk you can't recognize your own house. Walk slowly around the block for 5 hours.

Sprinkle dirty sand in all your food.

Mail $200 to the Reno casino of your choice.

Go to a museum. Find one of Salvador Dali's more disturbing but beautiful paintings. Climb inside it.

Spend thousands of dollars on a deeply personal art work. Hide it in a funhouse on the edge of the city. Blow it up.

Set up a DJ system downwind of a three alarm fire. Play a short loop of drum'n'bass until the embers are cold.

Have a 3 a.m. soul baring conversation with a drag nun in platforms, a crocodile, and Bugs Bunny. Be unable to tell if you're hallucinating. Lust after Bugs Bunny.

Writer "Unknown" Read more!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Renderfarm @ University of Colorado @ College of Arts and Media

The University of Colorado, College of Arts and Media has recently become a full dome content resource. Brian Leister, Timmy Edens and Lawrence Haas have created a 25 Mac Pro Octocore machine render farm for the Visual Arts department at the University of Colorado Denver and have teamed up with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to research and create in the full dome medium.

A render farm is basically a cluster of computers linked together to render computer-generated imagery (CGI), typically for film or television visual effects. In our case, we are creating digital large scale full dome content. Denver Museum of Nature and Science planetarium operations director Dan Neafus has given permission for the university to test out rendered footage on the 55ft dome at Gates Planetarium and it is an honor to use such an amazing establishment.

UCD's Render farm started from my obsession with the geodesic structure and being a VJ (Video Jocky)at the the Local clubs in Denver like THE CHURCH, CLUB VINYL, BETA, CERVANTES, and the BOMB FACTORY warehouse parties. After receiving the Creative Research grant from the College of Arts and Media @ the University of Colorado Denver I joined International Planetarium Society and Domefest and went to the conventions held at the Adler Museum in Chicago, July of 2008. Upon my return to Denver I had the intent to build my first render farm and begin creating full dome content. Assistant Professor Brian Leister was an awesome troubleshooter and confidant through the whole process. Also the Mac Lab director Lawrence Haas has also been a great asset to this project in allowing us to create such a network in the universities Mac Lab.
I will render my thesis on the render farm along with other students at the College of Arts and Media Digital Design department. This under taking has been a successful venture and I am excited to make submissions for Dome festivals around the globe.
Cheers! Read more!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last night i had the pleasure of Speaking with Dr. Evalyn Gates
of the theories she proposes about how Dark Matter and Dark Energy
make up 95% of what is. The other 5% is what actually takes form.
Dr. Gates proposes that there is a Dark web that we aren't seeing
and cannot identify that connects every thing together. With recent
advances in technology we can now see what this web looks like but
as a planet we are baffled as to what it is.
The Lecture took Place at Denver Museum of Nature and Science at the
Gates Planetarium and Dr. Gates's Lecture was part of the Adult Programs at the Museum
The Next Lecture @ Gates Planetarium is DIGITAL EARTH: EXPLORE THE WORLD FROM SPACE by Dr. Ka Chun Yu and Dr. Bob Raynolds. Tuesday March 10, @ 7pm. Read more!

Monday, February 23, 2009


The full dome digital film format is a weapon of Mass Creation. Using the resources at The University of Colorado Denver along with the support of Denver Museum of Nature and Science in an effort to collaborate science with art Timmy Edens has utilized available institutions to push the boundaries of motion graphics, 3-D design, and custom visual projections in the full dome medium. Timmy Edens, aka tim-E, has established the link and nurtured the connection between IMERSA founder Dan Neafus, The UCD College of Arts and Media Dean David Dynak, UCD Apple computer Lab Director Lawrence Haas, Associate Dean/Professor at University of Colorado Denver Visual Arts Department Joanne Brennan, and Assistant Professor of College of Arts and Media Bryan Leister so that UCD Denver can become a channel for future full dome content creation. A class project has been organized to create full dome content for the College of Arts and Media 10yr anniversary held at the Gates Planetarium March 30, 2009. The class consists of BFA Fine Arts Digital Design and Recording Arts students from the University of Colorado Denver (UCD). UCD has state of the Art Mac Labs filled with Octo-Core Mac Pros and Brian Leister, Timmy Edens, and Lawrence Haas have configured this technology to render full dome content. With this model set the University of Colorado Denver College of Arts and Media has the potential to become a world recognized school for full dome content creation. Read more!